Export frames

When a model has a simulation attached, we might want to render multiple frames to make a movie from them.


The simulation settings are global in Brayns, which means we have one single state for the simulation in an instance.

simulation = brayns.get_simulation(instance)


This global state is automatically updated each time we load a model with a simulation attached.

The time unit is always milliseconds but a convenience attribute time_unit is in the simulation to convert it in seconds. All time values in simulation are expressed in time_unit except when it is explicitely stated being in seconds.

Simulation also provides convenience method to convert frame indices to timestamp and vice-versa.

Frame indices

First we have to specify the indices of the simulation frames we want to export.

Usually, we just know the start and end frame we want to render, the movie FPS (frames per second) and possibly how much slower we want the movie.

To generate frame indices from these informations, We can use a helper class named MovieFrames.

# Movie duration settings.
frames = brayns.MovieFrames(

# Select frame indices from instance simulation settings.
indices = frames.get_indices(simulation)


The index step is computed with the following formula:

step = simulation_fps / movie_fps / slowing_factor

If the step is smaller than 1, some frames will be duplicated to match the target FPS.


You need to remember the movie FPS you set if you want to make a movie from the exported frames.

Color ramp

The color ramp is an object attached to models with a simulation. It allows to map a value range (usually voltages) to a color range (list of colors).

This part is optional as Brayns build a default color ramp for circuits.

# Get the color ramp of the model.
ramp = brayns.get_color_ramp(instance, model.id)

# Choose a range of simulation value (here -80mV to +10mV).
ramp.value_range = brayns.ValueRange(-80, 10)

# Choose colors:
# Simulation values of -80 and below will be red.
# Simulation values around -35 (middle of value range) will be green.
# Simulation values of +10 and above will be blue.
# Between these values, the color is linearly interpolated (mixed).
colors = [

# Optional opacity curve for complex alpha channels based on the value range:
# From 0% to 50% alpha is 0 (transparent).
# From 50% to 100% alpha is mixed from 0 to 1.
# Mixing is done using a linear interpolation.
# Here at 50%, alpha is 0 and at 100%, it is 1.
curve = brayns.OpacityCurve([
    brayns.ControlPoint(0.0, 0.0),
    brayns.ControlPoint(0.5, 0.0),
    brayns.ControlPoint(1.0, 1.0),

# Generate the colors with RGB and opacity curve.
ramp.colors = curve.apply(colors)

# Update the color ramp.
brayns.set_color_ramp(instance, model.id, ramp)


To make a movie from exported frames (snapshots or images), we will have to name the filenames using a pattern which allows FFMPEG to extract the frame index from the name (%d C-style printf integer formatting).

from pathlib import Path

# Choose a folder to export frames.
folder = Path('frames')

# Create it if not exists.
folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

# Naming pattern: image-1.png, image-2.png, ...
filename = 'image-%d.png'

# Full path pattern.
pattern = str(folder / filename)

Now we can render our frames using either Image or Snapshot.

# With Image (updating instance context).

# Update instance state.
brayns.set_resolution(instance, resolution)
brayns.set_camera(instance, camera)
brayns.set_renderer(instance, renderer)

# Image settings (accumulate by default)
image = brayns.Image()

# Render images using pattern and updating simulation.
for index, frame in enumerate(indices):
    brayns.set_simulation_frame(instance, frame)
    image.save(instance, pattern % index)

# OR with Snapshot (using different camera, renderer, etc...).

# Snapshot settings.
snapshot = brayns.Snapshot(

# Render images using pattern and updating snapshot settings.
for index, frame in enumerate(indices):
    snapshot.frame = frame
    snapshot.save(instance, pattern % index)