
Plugins subpackage.

It includes all science related features and optional components.


class AtlasColumnHighlight(position: ~brayns.plugins.atlas.ColumnPosition, color: ~brayns.utils.color.Color4, neighbors: list[~brayns.plugins.atlas.ColumnNeighbor] = <factory>)

Bases: AtlasUsecase

Place a column and (optionally) its neighbors.

Columns are always aligned on the Y axis so their position uses only XZ.

  • position (ColumnPosition) – Column coordinates.

  • color (Color4) – Color to apply to the column.

  • neighbors (list[ColumnNeighbor], optional) – Neighbors to color, defaults to empty.

color: Color4
get_properties() dict[str, Any]

Low level API.

class property name: str

Low level API.

neighbors: list[ColumnNeighbor]
position: ColumnPosition
class AtlasDensity

Bases: AtlasUsecase

Display the volume density.

The relation between the density and the color can be changed using the color ramp of the model created.

get_properties() dict[str, Any]

Low level API.

class property name: str

Low level API.

class AtlasDistanceType(value)

Bases: Enum

Type of distance displayed for an atlas layer.

Params LOWER:

Distance of the current layer from the one below.

Params UPPER:

Distance of the current layer from the one above.

LOWER = 'lower'
UPPER = 'upper'
class AtlasFlatmapAreas

Bases: AtlasUsecase

Display the volumne flatmap areas.

get_properties() dict[str, Any]

Low level API.

class property name: str

Low level API.

class AtlasLayerDistance(distance_type: AtlasDistanceType)

Bases: AtlasUsecase

Display the volume as the distance of a layer from its neighbors.

distance_type: AtlasDistanceType
get_properties() dict[str, Any]

Low level API.

class property name: str

Low level API.

class AtlasOrientationField

Bases: AtlasUsecase

Display the volume data as an orientation field.

get_properties() dict[str, Any]

Low level API.

class property name: str

Low level API.

class AtlasShellOutline

Bases: AtlasUsecase

Display the volume using its shell outline.

This is the default atlas volume usecase and is always supported.

get_properties() dict[str, Any]

Low level API.

class property name: str

Low level API.

class AtlasUsecase

Bases: ABC

Base class for all atlas visualization usecases.

abstract get_properties() dict[str, Any]

Low level API.

abstract class property name: str

Low level API.

run(instance: Instance, model_id: int) Model

Create a model to visualize the usecase on an atlas volume.

  • instance (Instance) – Instance.

  • model_id (int) – ID of the atlas volume model.


Model created for the usecase.

Return type:


class ColumnNeighbor(position: ColumnPosition, color: Color4)

Bases: object

Column neighbor position and color.

The position is relative to the main column coordinates.

color: Color4
position: ColumnPosition
class ColumnPosition(x: int = 0, z: int = 0)

Bases: Vector[int]

Column position XZ.

  • x (float) – X component.

  • z (float) – Z component.

property x: float
property z: float
get_atlas_usecases(instance: Instance, model_id: int) list[tuple[str, JsonSchema]]

Return the list of visualization usecases supported by an atlas volume.

  • instance (Instance) – Instance.

  • model_id (int) – ID of the atlas volume model.


Names of the supported usecase (see

Return type:



class CellPlacementLoader(morphologies_folder: str = '', density: float = 1.0, extension: str | None = None, ids: list[int] | None = None, morphology: Morphology = <factory>)

Bases: Loader

Partial circuit loader.

Loads the cells from the circuit builder intermediate files.

To load morphologies, a base folder must be specified as the H5 file only contains filenames.

  • morphologies_folder (str) – Path to the folder containing the morphologies.

  • density (float, optional) – Density of morphologies to load [0-1].

  • extension (str | None, optional) – Morphology file extension (will be guessed from folder if empty).

  • ids (list[str] | None, optional) – IDs of the nodes to load, overrides density if not None.

  • morphology (Morphology, optional) – Morphology settings.

density: float = 1.0
extension: str | None = None
get_properties() dict[str, Any]

Low level API to serialize to JSON.

ids: list[int] | None = None
morphologies_folder: str = ''
morphology: Morphology
class property name: str

Get the loader name.

Can be compared with


Loader name.

Return type:



class CircuitColorMethod

Bases: object

Available coloring methods for circuits.

ETYPE: ClassVar[str] = 'etype'
HEMISPHERE: ClassVar[str] = 'hemisphere'
ID: ClassVar[str] = 'id'
LAYER: ClassVar[str] = 'layer'
MORPHOLOGY: ClassVar[str] = 'morphology'
MORPHOLOGY_CLASS: ClassVar[str] = 'morphology class'
MORPHOLOGY_SECTION: ClassVar[str] = 'morphology section'
MTYPE: ClassVar[str] = 'mtype'
REGION: ClassVar[str] = 'region'
SUBREGION: ClassVar[str] = 'subregion'
SYNAPSE_CLASS: ClassVar[str] = 'synapse class'
get_circuit_ids(instance: Instance, model_id: int) list[int]

Retreive the list of loaded neurons / astrocytes / vasculatures by ID.

  • instance (Instance) – Instance.

  • model_id (int) – ID of the circuit model.


ID list of the element loaded in given circuit.

Return type:


set_circuit_thickness(instance: Instance, model_id: int, radius_multiplier: float) None

Multiply the radius of all primitives of a circuit by given factor.

  • instance (Instance) – Instance.

  • model_id (int) – Circuit model ID.

  • radius_multiplier (float) – Scaling factor for capsules and spheres.


class GeometryType(value)

Bases: Enum

Type of geometry to use when loading a morphology.

  • ORIGINAL – Use raw geometries dimensions.

  • SMOOTH – Smooth radius changes between geometries for better visual.

  • SECTION_SMOOTH – Smooth radius change between whole sections.

  • CONSTANT_RADII – Apply the same radius to all geometries.

CONSTANT_RADII = 'constant_radii'
ORIGINAL = 'original'
SECTION_SMOOTH = 'section_smooth'
SMOOTH = 'smooth'
SPHERES = 'spheres'
class Morphology(radius_multiplier: float = 1.0, load_soma: bool = False, load_axon: bool = False, load_dendrites: bool = False, geometry_type: GeometryType = GeometryType.SMOOTH, resampling: float = 2, subsampling: int = 1)

Bases: object

Describe how to load a morphology.

If no sections are selected (default), a sphere of radius_multiplier is used.

  • radius_multiplier (float, optional) – Radius scaling, defaults to 1.

  • load_soma (bool, optional) – Wether to load somas, defaults to False.

  • load_axon (bool, optional) – Wether to load axons, defaults to False.

  • load_dendrites (bool, optional) – Wether to load dendrites, defaults to False.

  • geometry_type (GeometryType, optional) – How to load geometries, defaults to smooth.

  • resampling (float, optional) – Min cos of angle between two segments to merge them (disabled if > 1).

  • subsampling (int, optional) – Step factor to skip morphology samples.

static full() Morphology

Return settings to load all sections of a morphology.


Morphology: Settings for full morphology loading.

geometry_type: GeometryType = 'smooth'
load_axon: bool = False
load_dendrites: bool = False
load_soma: bool = False
radius_multiplier: float = 1.0
resampling: float = 2
subsampling: int = 1
class MorphologyColorMethod

Bases: object

Available coloring methods for morphologies.

MORPHOLOGY_SECTION: ClassVar[str] = 'morphology section'
MORPHOLOGY_SECTION_GEOMETRY: ClassVar[str] = 'morphology section geometry'
class MorphologyLoader(morphology: ~brayns.plugins.morphology.Morphology = <factory>)

Bases: Loader

Loader for morphology files.


morphology (Morphology, optional) – How to load the morphologies, default constructed.

ASC: ClassVar[str] = 'asc'
H5: ClassVar[str] = 'h5'
SWC: ClassVar[str] = 'swc'
get_properties() dict[str, Any]

Low level API to serialize to JSON.

morphology: Morphology
class property name: str

Get the loader name.

Can be compared with


Loader name.

Return type:



class NrrdLoader(voxel_type: VoxelType)

Bases: Loader

Loader for NRRD volumes.


voxel_type (VoxelType) – Defines the representation of the volume voxels.

NRRD: ClassVar[str] = 'nrrd'
get_properties() dict[str, Any]

Low level API to serialize to JSON.

class property name: str

Get the loader name.

Can be compared with


Loader name.

Return type:


voxel_type: VoxelType
class VoxelType(value)

Bases: Enum

Defines the representation of the voxels of an NRRD volume.

  • SCALAR – Each voxel holds a single scalar value.

  • ORIENTATION – Each voxel holds a quaternion (orientation field).

  • FLATMAP – Each voxel is a pair of integer.

FLATMAP = 'flatmap'
ORIENTATION = 'orientation'
SCALAR = 'scalar'


class SonataEdgePopulation(name: str, afferent: bool, density: float = 1.0, radius: float = 2.0, report: str | None = None)

Bases: object

SONATA edge population parameters.

  • name (str) – Population name.

  • afferent (bool) – If these edges are afferent or efferent ones.

  • afferent – If these edges are afferent ones.

  • density (float, optional) – Proportion of edges to load, defaults to 1.

  • radius (float, optional) – Edge radii, defaults to 2.

  • report (str | None, optional) – Report name, defaults to None.

afferent: bool
density: float = 1.0
name: str
radius: float = 2.0
report: str | None = None
class SonataLoader(node_populations: list[SonataNodePopulation])

Bases: Loader

Loader for SONATA circuit files.


node_populations (list[SonataNodePopulation]) – Nodes to load.

JSON: ClassVar[str] = 'json'
get_properties() dict[str, Any]

Low level API to serialize to JSON.

class property name: str

Get the loader name.

Can be compared with


Loader name.

Return type:


node_populations: list[SonataNodePopulation]
class SonataNodePopulation(name: str, nodes: SonataNodes = <factory>, report: SonataReport | None = None, edges: list[SonataEdgePopulation] | None = None, morphology: Morphology = <factory>, vasculature_radius_multiplier: float = 1.0)

Bases: object

SONATA node population parameters.

  • name (str) – Population name.

  • nodes (SonataNodes, optional) – Nodes to load, defaults to 0.01% of all nodes.

  • report (SonataReport | None, optional) – Report to load, defaults to None.

  • edges (list[SonataEdgePopulation] | None, optional) – Edges to load, defaults to None.

  • morphology (Morphology, optional) – How to load the morphologies, default constructed.

  • vasculature_radius_multiplier (float, optional) – Vasculature scale, defaults to 1.

edges: list[SonataEdgePopulation] | None = None
morphology: Morphology
name: str
nodes: SonataNodes
report: SonataReport | None = None
vasculature_radius_multiplier: float = 1.0
class SonataNodes(density: float | None = None, names: list[str] | None = None, ids: list[int] | None = None, node_count_limit: int | None = None)

Bases: object

Specify how to load SONATA nodes.

Use one of the factory methods to create this object.

static all() SonataNodes

Load all nodes.

static default() SonataNodes

Load a reasonable proportion of nodes.

density: float | None = None
static from_density(density: float) SonataNodes

Load a proportion of all nodes (0 = none, 1 = all).

static from_ids(ids: list[int]) SonataNodes

Load nodes with given IDs.

static from_names(names: list[str], density: float = 1.0) SonataNodes

Load from node group names with optional density.

ids: list[int] | None = None
limit(node_count_limit: int) SonataNodes

Limit the number nodes to be loaded.

names: list[str] | None = None
node_count_limit: int | None = None
class SonataReport(type: SonataReportType, name: str | None = None, spike_transition_time: float | None = None)

Bases: object

Describe a SONATA report to load.

Use one of the factory methods to create this object.

static bloodflow_pressure(name: str) SonataReport

Bloodflow pressure report with given name.

static bloodflow_radii(name: str) SonataReport

Bloodflow radii report with given name.

static bloodflow_speed(name: str) SonataReport

Bloodflow speed report with given name.

static compartment(name: str) SonataReport

Compartment report with given name.

name: str | None = None
static none() SonataReport

No report to load.

spike_transition_time: float | None = None
static spikes(spike_transition_time: float = 1.0) SonataReport

Spike report with transition time (units from report).

static summation(name: str) SonataReport

Simulation report with given name.

static synapse(name: str) SonataReport

Synapse report with given name.

type: SonataReportType
class SonataReportType(value)

Bases: Enum

All available SONATA report types.

BLOODFLOW_PRESSURE = 'bloodflow_pressure'
BLOODFLOW_RADII = 'bloodflow_radii'
BLOODFLOW_SPEED = 'bloodflow_speed'
COMPARTMENT = 'compartment'
NONE = 'none'
SPIKES = 'spikes'
SUMMATION = 'summation'
SYNAPSE = 'synapse'